

8526 Uppsatser om Economic theory - Sida 1 av 569

Adam Smith och den problematiska värdeteorin

Adam Smith?s Economic theory is often subject to criticism, in which it is claimed to be inherently inconsistent. Recently, criticism from well-known scholars has arisen claiming Smith should be characterized a labor value theorist anticipating Karl Marx. This study seeks to analyze whether such criticism is legitimate. Firstly, the Economic theory of Smith is discussed in terms of consistency, and secondly, a number of typical and main points of the critique, from the most influential of his contemporary critics, are lifted up and analyzed.

Ekonomisk policy och tillväxt i en transitionskontext: en studie av realsocialistiska länder

Abstract During the last 15 years, the former ?really existing socialist? economies have undertaken an extensive transition process. In this paper the development, measured as GDP growth, is analyzed using variables for economic policy. The analysis is both theoretical, taking as starting point current positions in academia, and econometrical with the linear regression model. We show that while economic policy variables of inflation, economic freedom and institutional quality affect economic growth, the results are not only the ones predicted by the theory.

Radikal Biståndsexport : En studie om utfallet till: - Irans bistånd till Hizbollah  - Saudiarabiens bistånd till talibanerna   

This essay is about the massive Iranian aid to Hezbollah and the Saudi Arabian, likewise, towards the Taliban. The main view is that the two countries aid respective aid to Hezbollah and the Taliban is/were not a gesture of goodwill but rather an economic method of getting influence and controlling the receiver. This view that is based on a theory called; economic statecraft. The economic statecraft theory is used in this paper to investigate why Iran?s influence towards Hezbollah has been successful while the Saudis ambitions with the Taliban have failed.

Utbud, efterfrågan & jämviktskunskap : En kritisk prövning av ekonomiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan.

It has been roughly 86 years since Gunnar Myrdal?s book ?The Political Element in the Development of Economic theory? was published, in which he declared economic thought and theory as being established by hidden ideological premises. As well as accusing modern Economic theory of being the subject of a pseudo-scientific construct. As such, this study seeks to test Myrdal?s critical view on Swedish economic education in upper secondary school.

Regimteorin i svensk kontext. Från Volvo till IKEA i Kalmar

The regime theory is the dominant paradigm in the studies of urban politics in USA. It provides a set of concepts to analyse the change from government to governance in the American local politics. The regime theory postulates that governing power in local government tends to be highly fragmented. The private sector has with its control of economic resources a major influence in shaping governing decisions. In this essay I study the regime theory in a Swedish context to investigate if the theory is pertinent when studying of Swedish local governance.

Ickeparametrisk värdering av optioner

Vi undersöker den ickeparametriska optionsprissättningsmodellen med namnet kanonisk värdering. Vi visar att den kanoniska modellen fungerar väl på svensk data. Vi visar också att kanonisk värdering kan generera ett volatilitetsleende som stämmer överens med det vi observerar på marknaden. Dessa empiriska resultat är konsistenta med tidigare forskning. Ett teoretiskt motiverat resultat är att den kanoniska värderingsmodellen kan härledas från ?Large Deviation Theory?..

En spelteoretisk analys av lönesystemen i försäljningsföretag och marknadsundersökningsföretag

En spelteoretisk analys av lönesystemen i försäljningsföretag och marknadsundersökningsföretag.

Bredbandsmarknaden i Lund ur ett mikroekonomiskt perspektiv

En studie av bredbandsmarknaden i Lunds studentbostäder. Jämför med den avsevärt högra prisnivån på övriga marknaden. Använder Shaked och Suttons teori om naturliga oligopol.

Prognostisering av marknadsindex med hjälp av branschindex

Prognostisering, marknadsindex, branschindex.

Arbetskraftsinvandring -en problemorienterad studie av SAP: s hanterand av arbetskraftsinvandringsfrågan

The aim with this paper is to investigate how the Social Democratic Party (SAP) deals with the question of economic migrants, or more specifically how the problem is represented by the Social Democratic Party, and how this representation has developed over time. The SAP's theory became recently contested by a competing theory that was caused by the predicted future demographic development in Sweden, combined with the EU's eastern expansion. The first factor contributed to the re-write of the theory, to a theory that saw economic migrants as a solution instead of a problem, in direct contrast to SAP's theory. The second factor was a direct threat to SAP's labour immigration policy. This leads to my second question, how did SAP respond to this pressure?The answers to these questions are achieved by using discourse analysis by applying a problem oriented theory on empirical material, constituting propositions, articles in mass media and parliamentary debates.

Ekonomisk tillväxt och utländska direktinvesteringar i Sub-Sahara

The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI..

Iscensättningen av det ekobrottsliga subjektet : Ekobrottet och ekobrottslingens uppkomst och institutionalisering i ett (post)modernt samhälle

What is an economic crime? Who is an economic criminal? How do we speak of the phenomenon and what does they way we speak mean? The immediate result of the study is that there is a stereotype image of the economic criminal that is produced within peoples speech. This image contains characteristics that bring the subject, the economic criminal, far away from the traditional crime subject, and brings it closer to a non-criminal subject. This motion render possible that economic criminals can talk of themselves as ?not bad people?, ?normal? and ?like everyone else?.

Penningtermer i transmissionsmekanismen

I denna uppsats skattas IS-kurvor för Sverige med förändringen av den reala monetära basen som förklarande variabel. Undersökningen fastställer ett starkt statistiskt samband mellan penningtermerna och BNP-gapet. Detta resultat förklaras av att samma avkastningar som avgör den aggregerade efterfrågan även är de alternativkostnadsvariabler som figurerar i penningefterfrågefunktionen..

Genusskillnader i Ghana

Det finns fyra huvudsakliga orsaker till genusskillnader. Jag har valt att främst undersöka hur dessa påverkar utbildning, hälsa och arbetskraft i Ghana. Genom att samla statistik över dessa tre indikatorer för både män och kvinnor vid olika årtal har jag gjort observationer..

Helgar målet alltid medlen? En etisk analys av de ekonomiska sanktionerna mot Sydafrika och Haiti och dess humanitära konsekvenser.

In this bachelor thesis my main purpose is to examine the ethical legitimacy of economic sanctions, by assessing the humanitarian consequences this type of actions create. I will do this by a closer examination of the two historic cases of South Africa and Haiti. The humanitarian consequences will then be measured against my chosen theories, to help answer my main questions. The theories I have been working with is the broader interpretation of the just-war theory; the just-sanctions theory, and two major metaethical theories.The result I found after the finished examination of the chosen cases, are that economic sanctions and morality doesn?t necessarily match.

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